Moving to a new office is exciting, but it also means you have a big job on your hands. The right professionals can streamline the process, but it’s important to think green, too! If you’re planning a commercial move, here’s why sustainability should be one of your top priorities.

Avoiding Waste

Whether you’re upgrading to a larger office or relocating to a different part of the city, you’re probably leaving behind a lot of waste. According to Georgetown University, Americans produce 1,609 pounds of trash per person annually, leading to 5% of the population generating 40% of the waste in the world. If you’re hiring commercial movers for an office move, you should make a plan to avoid generating too much waste. Figure out what you can reuse and what you need to get rid of; a thorough plan makes it easier to figure out what you’re keeping and what you’re going to donate or toss.

Disposing of Waste Properly

No matter how hard you try, you’re going to have a lot of stuff to throw away during an office move. Commercial movers can help you clear out your office so you can deal with all the leftover waste in the best manner possible. Recycling computers and other electronics helps you reduce e-waste, and you might be able to find local organizations that take furniture donations. Once you’ve exhausted all your other options, you can throw the rest of the trash out.

Streamlining Your Move

Transportation is a crucial aspect of the moving process to consider when it comes to sustainability. To minimize emissions caused by your commercial move, work with the professionals you hire to limit the amount of back and forth between your old and new office space. Consider a proper inventory management system so items aren’t lost and being searched for during the move to limit unnecessary transportation, too.

With all the waste we create, it’s our responsibility to make sure we’re disposing of that waste properly. You can also reduce your environmental impact by recycling and reusing things when you can and limiting transport back and forth when possible. If you’re looking for commercial movers to help you streamline your office move and minimize waste, give our team here at Arrow Transfer & Storage a call to find out more.